This blog is written to advise Stephen how to fit a WrightChoice Energy Storage Device and the picture above is the picture Stephen sent me asking for advice. The picture shows a very common arrangement and possibly the easiest tank to fit the device to.
Looking at the latest energy storage device, please note that the four way cross is a direct dimensional replacement for the 22mm elbow:-

The first thing I would do is look at what the fitting is at the top of cylinder so would turm off the water and check what it is.
Isolate the Water Supply
Turn off the valve on the pipe feeding the bottom of the hot water cylinder and turn on a hot tap.
The flow should start,
Check the existing top fitting
With the fitting still firmly in place, loosen off the top fitting (obviously the compression joint and not the solder joint). Check the fitting to confirm the screw thread is 22mm compression or 3/4 inch Imperial. To check the screw thread properly it may be necessary to remove the existing fitting
Remove the existing fitting (and use of a slip joint)
Cut the pipe where indicated with a 22mm pipe slice.
Take out the existing elbow and check it to be 22mm or 3/4 imperial thread (it should be 22mm). The energy storage device is 22mm compression. Push the 22mm slip joint over the 22mm pipe ready to reinstall the pipe after fitting the energy storage device.

The instructions below will be sent with the product.